This is the time of the year where I guess most parents use the “Santa excuse” to have their children to behave “Please remember that Santa is watching so if you want to be on his nice list you have to behave”.
In our family Santa is the magic word to make Bee behaving better, being nice to her brother, cleaning her room, and generally (for once) saying “yes” rather than “no”. But recently, despite our warnings, Bee hasn’t showed her best behaviour so I had to find a solution.
I discovered the PNP website a week ago and I thought it was perfect! is a website that allows you to create a special personalised message for your kids (and adults too!). It’s very easy to use and the fact that you can add pictures and details about your kids makes it even more special!
When I told Bee that she received a message from Santa himself, she was literally speechless!
On the website you can choose different scenarios and tailor the message based on your “needs”. I chose the “almost nice” option so Beatrice message from Santa was a warning saying that she actually hasn’t made it to the nice list YET but that she still has two more weeks to make it up. Her face was priceless! At the beginning she was a bit upset but since then it’s all roses in our house! She ‘s happy to help, she shares her toys with her brother and there are no more tantrums to go to bed! Fabulous!
A part from this “useful purpose” I found watching the message pretty emotional…
Believing in Santa is something magic that I can live again through my children’s eyes so anything that excite them towards this wonderful time of the year, fills me with joy! Bee asks me to watch Santa’s message again and again and I can see she’s doing her best to make it to the nice list, to be good at Santa’s eyes and receive the present she dreams about.
If you would like to create a personalised message for your children I’ve got a little treat for you. Go to, enter this code BLG20BKP for a 20% discount on all digital products (excluding in-app purchases) and you can choose the option that best suits you. Don’t forget that you can have Santa calling directly your phone and leaving a message for you loved ones! I did this too just to let Bee know that Santa had received her letter, she was excitedly surprised I cannot even describe it!
What about you? Did you make it to the nice list?
Have a wonderful Christmas!!