Bee is going to be 26 months old soon and every day I can see she does and discovers something new.
Here are 26 new things that she can do by herself:
- brush her teeth with just little help;
- “pipi” in the loo;
- unwrap a babybel;
- carry Romeo;
- wash her hands;
- jump off the ground;
- name her friends (Masie in particular);
- name 8 colours;
- tell the difference between Romeo and Bisou;
- name several body parts;
- throw a ball;
- put her shoes on;
- take off her shoes
- take off some clothes;
- load the dishwasher (actually just her little spoon ehheh)
- make longer sentences;
- sing Twinkle Twinkle using correct words;
- build a tower out of four bricks;
- tell the city where granny Marta lives;
- tell the city where aunty Barbara lives;
- count to 8 in Italian;
- count to 9 in English;
- name several animals;
- make several animals sounds;
- pick the clothes she wants to wear;
- Tell that she loves you…in both Italian and English 😉
All this is pretty amazing!