Leonardo has been teething forever and trust me when I say FOREVER it means almost since the day he was born!
During his first few months he had colics and when those where gone at 3 months he suffered so much because of his irritated gums. I cannot even tell you how many bibs we went through.. because none of them were absorbing enough dribble at one point I actually gave up and just started changing his tops more often.
At the beginning we were using normal bibs but he just looked like he was ready for lunch most of the time, not cool. Then I discovered these new bibs/bandana which looked better and they were quite fun to wear but they definitely were not doing their job. He used to get wet pretty quickly and because they didn’t absorb enough I constantly had to change bib and top too.
Only few weeks ago on Twitter, I discovered the Skibz bib/bandana. They looked great so I contacted the Company which produces them to enquire about the product and they kindly sent me one Skibz to try. I was really looking forward to receive it as I read brilliant reviews online and hoping to find the one.
First of all, when I received it what suprised the most was the bright colour and the fun design which made it a very cool product straight away. When I then held it in my hands I realised that the quality was pretty amazing. The Skibz bib is pretty thick and soft, it is slightly bigger than a normal bib (which is great!) and it has two adjustable studs in the back so it perfectly fits your baby’s neck. I quickly thought it was a winner!
When I put it on Leonardo it was love at first sight! My boy looked gorgeous and for the first time he wasn’t too bothered to be wearing a bib (usually he quickly grabs it and pull it off!). Not sure if this was because of the softness of the material or because he knew he looked cool haha
Leonardo is now 12, no wait 13 months old (OUCH!) and as you can see in this picture he still suffers quite a lot because of teething and still dribbles constantly. This time though I noticed that due to Skibz higher absorbance compared to a normal bib, his tops don’t get wet and most important his delicate skin doesn’t get irritated! Skibz bib has different layers of material and it’s all 100% cotton which totally makes the difference. Plus I already washed it many times and the colour hasn’t faded a bit (usually within the first wash I can see the difference in colour with other bibs) and because all Skibz are pre-shrunk, wash after wash it will keep the same size! Just brilliant!
A part from using Skibz to keep my baby’s top dry and avoiding his delicate skin to get irritated, I think it’s a great bandana to wear in particular during these lovely sunny Scottish days where the temperature is milder but it is always so windy outside! He recently had a bad cough, so knowing that his throat is covered makes me feel he’s protected (Italian mammas are obsessed with covering up their kids! lol)
Skibz bibs are definitely a product I would recommend. At the moment we use it all the time and I’ll definitely be spending some time online choosing another couple of bibs among the wide range of colours and patterns available: one to keep in my bag so I always have a fresh clean bib whenever we are out and about and another one to alternate the one we use at home. Great product and happy to have discovered it!