Time is going so fast that here I am 30 weeks pregnant and I only just realised that I’m getting pretty big! (I said big, not fat!).
Every now and then I notice that even doing a simple movement requires much more effort but, as people keep saying “oh you lucky you look good, you didn’t put much weight” I tend to believe them so I don’t worry too much.
And when I feel bigger, I always blame that stupid mirror that we have at the entrance which indeed makes everyone look twice as large as they really are. Or I blame our scale which shows on and off random numbers therefore I am never sure what my real weigh is.
But the signs are there and now I know I AM getting heavily pregnant because:
- when getting out of my car, I often get stuck in between the car door and the car parked next to mine (usually I look around hoping that nobody is watching, jump back in the car and drive away!)
- when I bake a cake half of the flour lands on my bump
- when attempting to kiss my husband, my bump reaches him before my lips do
- I feel I cannot fit anylonger behind the steering wheel of my car
- at the office I keep changing chairs to find a comfortable position
- I ask my 3 years old daughter to help me taking my boots off
- my bump has become my table as it’s easier to eat having my plate on it rather than on my desk
- getting off the bed is like watching a sea lion reaching for the sea
- standing up from the sofa takes more strenght than running a 5k marathon
- when lying down in the bath, I realise that I will never be able to pull myself up again
- when my colleague makes me laugh, I think my baby is going to pop out any second
- turning from one side to the other in bed involves a full 5 minutes manouvre
- my colleague looks at me and rubbing his tummy says “ho ho hoooo”
- when I see my reflection in the office glass door, I realise I walk like a penguin
- when I drop something on the floor, I just leave it there
- when I want to wash my hands I cannot reach the water
- often while turning around, I knock my daughter’s head with my bump and I almost make her fall
- while cooking I am often in danger of burning my bump
And counting…