Has your mom ever told you that nobody gives you anything for free? She did, didn’t she?
this time I will only ask for a tiny tiny small favour..
Ah you knew there was a catch right? So this is my first year of blogging and I’m getting there but I need your help to motivate me even more… and write more… and learn to take better pictures, so your vote will count SO MUCH FOR ME!
Plus, I wasn’t joking when I said you get a free personalised cake because
and I will put your name on it to show you my appreciation, just to say thank you.
Unfortunately the cake cannot be delivered but you will virtually be able to enjoy it as I will create a post with yummy pictures of the hopefully big HUGE CAKE with the names of all people who were so kind to nominate my blog for the MAD Blog awards.
And no, the MAD Blog Awards aren’t awards for people who are mad and they blog about it (although I could probably be nominated for that too) but it’s the fourth annual Mum and Dad Blog Awards, the UK’s biggest and most exciting awards for parent blogs.
Isn’t exciting, (well it is for me :)) I’m already in their list!
Anyway, if you feel like voting, then here is the link BUT before you do anything just remember: it will take you 10 seconds to vote… it will take me 30 minutes to write your name on the cake cause I’m literally crap in doing that so please.. appreciate my effort “shrek cat eyes”
and please remember to nominate my blog in “Best new blog” category too and then hit “nominate”.
*IMPORTANT* Please don’t do like my husband who wrote the name of my blog and just closed the page without hitting “nominate” (in fact his name definitely won’t be on the cake!).
Once you have voted please leave a comment below, or on my facebook page or tweet me @babee_bubu or send me an email info(AT)mammawearsprada.com or send me a pigeon, a postcard whatever you prefer but let me know you voted and your name cause I cannot wait to start baking and have hundreds of names on the cake!