In a few weeks it’ll be hectic here! Not only because it’s Bee’s birthday and I’m organising her Sofia The First theme party but also because all my family from Italy is coming over for Leo’s baptism PLUS we are going to celebrate Leo’s first birthday too!!
So many cakes to prepare and cookies and cupcakes and decorations!! The good thing is I finally got a new oven which so far (a part from a chewy pizza but that was my fault, I think I used the wrong yeast to make the dough) works very well so I’ve been testing it all week!!!
These are few pictures of what I’ve been doing…
I baked around 100 different shape cookies (crowns and magic wands for Bee’s party, horses for Leo’s birthday). And before we ate them all, I started decorating them..
To “test” my new paper cupcake cases, I baked a big batch of cupcake and I was pleased that, thanks to the new oven, my cupcakes didn’t have pointing domes.
More cookies!
I’ve been filling many party bags for Bee’s friend and cutting out food tags for the birthday table… To be honest it’s all stuff that I love doing it and I’m looking forward to the party and to see all Bee’s little friends enjoying the food and the decorations!
Wish me luck as the most challenging part will be making the very articulated cake I chose to make… I cannot wait to share it with you!